President’s Greetings

Soong Eui Women’s University President Park Gyeong-ho

We will open a new
future from the center of Seoul

Soong Eui Women’s University has welcomed a meaningful year marking its 120th anniversary this year. Our school was founded by pastor Moffett from the Northern Presbyterian Church of America, dreaming of creating a cradle of new education for women. The school has continued our proud tradition of the independence movement and produced countless female pioneers in South Korea.

Our university is located in an area connecting Myeong-dong station with Namsan Mountain. This means we are located at the crossroads of the central value of Korea and the flow of a new global age since Namsan Mountain is the center of Seoul and Myeong-dong leads the trend of a new global era. Accordingly, we are engaging in education under the slogan, “Prepare for tomorrow from the center of Seoul.” Thus, we anticipate becoming the scene of education living and breathing with students viewing and feeling something fresh while coming to and fro our school.

In line with the changing times, our university newly created the Departments of Health Administration, Acting Arts, and Applied Music, restructured the Department of IT Software Convergence, and further diversified a total of 17 departments, including plans to restructure the Department of Secretary Administrative Professionals into the Department of Smart Administrative Professionals next year. We have also expanded the intensive major courses enabling our students to attain a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from the Departments of Early Childhood Education, Social Welfare, Childcare in Education, Hotel and Tourism, Food and Nutrition, and Library & Information Science.

In addition, we will place an emphasis on fostering professional talents equipped with creativity and character who flexibly respond to the trend of the times by strengthening various convergence education programs harmonizing education, social practice, IT, design, and art.

Above all, we prioritize career guidance after graduation, such as employment of students and educational transition. By operating the lifelong academic adviser system, we support students so they can follow their dreams even after graduation. The school is also taking the initiative to offer employment and provide career counseling for our students.

All the faculty members of Soong Eui Women’s University will work hard with the mindset of an educational steward to make sure young people can spread their wings of dreams and hope with pride at the Soong Eui campus, the cradle of female talents, located at the center of Korea with Myeong-dong as its front yard and Namsan Mountain as its backyard.

We wish all of you enjoy the abundant grace and blessings of God and hope you dream about a better future filled with happiness.

Thank you.

Soong Eui Women’s University President Park Gyeong-ho